In the event of an emergency, dial 911 from any campus phone or use the Rave Guardian App on your cell phone. All 911 calls from a campus phone are directed to University Police. Important Phone Numbers University Police 973-720-2300 Health & Wellness Center 973-720-2361 Student Development 973-720-2218 Emergency Alerts (Weather) The President of the University may cancel classes due to weather conditions or other campus emergencies. Emergency Announcements will be sent at the direction of the President or his designee. The following means are available to obtain this information: 1. An Emergency Notification message containing detailed information pertaining to the incident will be delivered to all locations (university email, voice messages to cell, home or alternate phones, text messages) as specified by you. Participation in this service is mandatory for resident students. Please access WPConnect Emergency Notification Service under WPUNJ Bookmarks to log in to sign up. 2. Access the University Homepage regarding the status of operations 3. Check your University Email Account. To access you University Email account copy/paste the web address: into your web browser or access through WPconnect. 4. Access the University's Facebook page and/or Twitter feed. Rave Guardian App Rave Guardian is a mobile app that consolidates important Campus resources and provides two-way critical communication between students and campus officials including University Police. Please access our itwiki page for detailed information about how to access and use the Rave Guardian App.