Multiple Funders

Projects rarely have only one source of income, almost always it is a combination of an external funder and WPUNJ. For proposals to foundations and corporations you will often need to account for three or more sources of funding. This is less common with applications for state and or federal support, but some agencies--like the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities--require matching funds for all grants from multiple agencies.

The Budget Table for a proposal that includes information on how funds will be distributed across several funders, additional columns are added to the right side of the table to indicate which funder will assume which costs. Costs may be split between funders. The Budget Narrative would further describe how and why costs are distributed as they are.

When splitting costs between prospective funders (that is agencies that you are going to ask, or have asked, but you don't know their response), it is best to group appropriate expenses together for each agency. That is, if you are doing a public program and there is a component that is especially for older adults, group all the district costs for that component plus a share of the administrative expense together under one funder. That way, if the funder chooses not to provide support, only that portion of the program is lost--and then offered to another prospect.

Generally, try to keep WPUNJ expenses to in-kind contributions.

Example: Budget Table for Multiple Funding Agencies

The Great Spring Showcase

Item Description Expense Funder 1 Funder 2 WPUNJ
Personnel Administrator $10,000 $8,500 $1,500  
  Director, Senior Seminar $2,500   $2,500  
Fees Performers, Main Performance $25,000 $20,000   $5,000
  Speakers, Senior Seminar $500   $500  
Publicity Press releases, flyers/posters, advertisements $7,500 $7,000 $500  
Reception Food $1,500 $900 $500 $100
Facility Costs Overhead, technicians, maintenance, security $3,000     $3,000
Total Expenses   $50,000 $36,400 $5,500 $8,100