The Career and Professional Success (CAPS) Digital Badge is coordinated by the Career Development Center as part of a greater WP Leads Digital Badge Program, which students can earn through their participation in extra-curricular experiences that includes attending workshops, cultural events, speaker presentations, participating in community service and civic engagement activities managed by the Office of Campus Activities, Service & Leadership.
The Career and Professional Success Badge (CAPS) helps you take the first step on your career journey. You will have the opportunity to discover key career readiness skills aimed at helping you navigate and prepare you to go from a WP Pioneer to a Professional.
Through the completion of the Career and Professional Success Digital Badge students will be able to:
Log into Handshake using your WP email and password and visit the events tab for details of virtual and in-person events that count towards the badge modules.
To access the following LinkedIn Learning courses that count toward the badge, please log in to WP Connect using your username and password. In the search tab, insert LinkedIn Learning and connect your LinkedIn account to your student profile. Then you will be able to access the following courses for free.
Link to Linkedin Learning Path for Badge