IRB Training and Certification Program

Federal regulations require all institutions that sponsor research with human subjects to insure that investigators and instructors have an adequate background in the ethical principles and requirements governing research involving human subjects.  Certification of Training must be received prior to the acceptance of a research protocol for review. Protocols from students of an instructor who has not been certified will not be accepted.

William Paterson University provides a web-based certification program for investigators, educators, and students to obtain Certification.  The IRB can also meet with classes or groups for special presentations. 

Certification Is Required For:

Investigators:  Certification of Training is required for faculty, staff and students serving as the principal investigator, co-principal investigator or senior-level support of research involving human subject.  

Educators:  Certification of Training is required for faculty teaching courses that require students to actively engage human subjects in research activities because faculty are responsible for the research their students undertake.  The IRB considers faculty to be the lead investigators in the projects their students undertake involving human subjects.  Certification is required from the faculty prior to the receipt of student research protocols.

IRB Members and Administrators:  Certification of Training is required for all members of the IRB, the Responsible Institutional Official, the IRB Chair, and the IRB Administrator.  Certification of Training is strongly suggested for Deans, Department Chairs and other Managers and Senior Administrators because of their supervisory responsibilities.

The CITI Certification Program for Faculty, Staff, and Students

William Paterson uses the CITI Program to provide and monitor Certification of Training in the ethics regarding the use of human subjects in research.  This is an internationally recognized program.  

Click here to access the CITI Program to register then select the appropriate course.  You may exit and return as many times as needed to complete the program. A score of 80% is required to obtain certification.

CITI Program Courses

First  time users register and choose the course that is appropriate for them.  Individuals who completed the CITI Program for another institution should login using their existing username and then add their affiliation to William Paterson University, and then complete the modules or refreshers that will bring into compliance with WP's requirement.

Group 1: Social Behavioral and Educational Human Subjects Researchers: For faculty,  staff, and Doctoral Students who are involved in research or are teaching about research that they feel fits within this broad disciplinary description.  

Group 2: Biomedical Human Subjects ResearchersFor faculty, staff, and Doctoral Students who are involved in research or are teaching about research that they feel fits within this broad disciplinary description.  

Group 3: Student Human Subject Researchers: For all WP Undergraduate and Masters students.  This course is specifically designed for any level or student to introduce them to the ethical foundations and broad considerations of research involving human subjects.  It is appropriate for all types of research.  

Group 4: IRB Members:  This course is only for members of WP's Institutional Review Board for Human Subject Research.  This course is supplementary for IRB members who are also required to complete either the Group 1 or Group 2 course.  

The Responsible Conduct of Research Course is not required to obtain Certification of Training in the Use of Human Subjects.  This is a completely separate and optional course where the learner can choose which discipline track is most appropriate.  While the course includes very good information for anyone involved in research, it is not required and does not meet the certification requirement.

Maintaining Certification

Certification is effective for three years from the date of the completion of the most recent certification.  The CITI Program tracks this three year period and notifies users when their certification is about to expire so that they can complete the refresher courses that will extend certification for another three years.

OSP Office Location
1800 Valley Road, 
Room 218
Office Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM